Time Capsules
The All is One sculpture made from eggshells talks of life’s fragility as well as strength and of our connections to everything around us. All our physical bodies are fragile, yet surprisingly strong, connected invisibly to one another. The eggshells represent little pockets of time, now empty carriers, environments where life of some sort developed and eventually disappeared. Anything living on this planet is fundamentally the same, made of the same particles, chemical substances and energy.
The Time Capsule metaphorically represents a portal in which one can travel through time, re-visiting the past as well as future experiences. It hangs in space detached from solid ground, a strange vessel, possibly capable of carrying a life, memories.
The Time Capsule metaphorically represents a portal in which one can travel through time, re-visiting the past as well as future experiences. It hangs in space detached from solid ground, a strange vessel, possibly capable of carrying a life, memories.